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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Cosmos/Bios/Polis Panel at the AAA meetings
Thursday, November 17, 2011: 10Panel at the American Anthropological Association
This panel explored the challenges of building common worlds—with former enemies who might become allies, with technological networks, with other species—while remaining open to surprises from the unknown. If the promise of a perpetual peace from Kantian citizens of the cosmos no longer rings true, then what are the prospects of Isabelle Stengers' cosmopolitical proposal?
Cosmopolitics presences “the question of possible nonhierarchical modes of coexistence among the ensemble of inventions of non-equivalence, among the diverging values and obligations through which the entangled existences that compose it are affirmed.” Giving resonance to the unknown cosmos beyond our fragile constructions, this panel will reckon with how common cosmopolitical worlds are created when many players work together, tooth and nail. Thinking within the constraints imposed by the unknown, we will bring cosmos together with bios, the biographical life that concerns the polis. Appreciating the foolishness of human exceptionalism, this panel will follow Donna Haraway to explore contact zones where the outcome, where who is in the world, is at stake. Working to get past the thanatological drift in contemporary biopolitical thought, speakers will probe the attractions and limitations of the search for an affirmative biopolitics. Being polite, or political in common worlds, where multiple species meet, may require discomforting intra-actions with newly recognized subaltern subjects.
Thursday, November 17, 2011: 10Panel at the American Anthropological Association
This panel explored the challenges of building common worlds—with former enemies who might become allies, with technological networks, with other species—while remaining open to surprises from the unknown. If the promise of a perpetual peace from Kantian citizens of the cosmos no longer rings true, then what are the prospects of Isabelle Stengers' cosmopolitical proposal?
Cosmopolitics presences “the question of possible nonhierarchical modes of coexistence among the ensemble of inventions of non-equivalence, among the diverging values and obligations through which the entangled existences that compose it are affirmed.” Giving resonance to the unknown cosmos beyond our fragile constructions, this panel will reckon with how common cosmopolitical worlds are created when many players work together, tooth and nail. Thinking within the constraints imposed by the unknown, we will bring cosmos together with bios, the biographical life that concerns the polis. Appreciating the foolishness of human exceptionalism, this panel will follow Donna Haraway to explore contact zones where the outcome, where who is in the world, is at stake. Working to get past the thanatological drift in contemporary biopolitical thought, speakers will probe the attractions and limitations of the search for an affirmative biopolitics. Being polite, or political in common worlds, where multiple species meet, may require discomforting intra-actions with newly recognized subaltern subjects.
Select Publications
Select Publications
KIRKSEY, S. E. (2014) The Multispecies Salon, Duke University Press: Durham.
KIRKSEY, S. E. 2012 Freedom in Entangled Worlds, Duke University Press: Durham.
KIRKSEY, S. E. & S. HELMREICH. 2010 "The Emergence of Multispecies Ethnography", Cultural Anthropology, 25 (4): 545-576. Full Special Issue (48.8 MB)